LORD caused the captivity and restores them, pouring His spirit, -- Eze. 39: 28-29
Captives are required to cry unto Him, -- Isa 12:6, Hos 14: 1-2 --
They shall come with weeping, LORD leads them with supplications-- Jer 31:9
LORD thinks of peace and gives an expected end to His people, ISRAEL --Jer 29: 11
He is the KING and REDEEMER of ISRAEL, Isa 44:6
He will be merciful to their unrighteousness, -- Heb 8:12
Their sins and their lawless deeds will not be remembered.- Heb 10:17
You shall find Him when you seek Him with all your heart-- Jer 29: 12, 13,Isa 44:1-5.
Captives are set free by the blood of the covenant -- Zec 9:11,
It is the blood of JESUS CHRIST, the blood of the new covenant, Mt 26: 28,
His sacrifice is in view of making the new covenant, Heb ch 9, Eze. 16: 60,
And that is why Paul preached Him crucified, 1 Co 2: 2, 1 Co 1: 17-18.
God of Salvation loads us with benefits, Ps 68:19 , Ps 103:2, through our baptism into His death, Rom 6. Details written in articles. Blessing of fame and praise, joy prophesied after returning from captivity-- Zep 3: 20, Ps. 126: 1-4.